
The purpose of the Narrator in the left hemisphere of the brain

A long standing issue has been the source of consciousness, but it seems that split brain patients may hold clues as to how conscious thought is formed.

The left hemisphere of the brain seems to be responsible for the ability to make sense of events. It will try to make sense of a series of events, even if there is no sense! (see this blog)
I dare to guess that the left brain essentially is the serializing factor in our brain. It perceives the world as a series of events, whereas the rest of the brain is massively parallel and perceiving only the present.
This could tie language to this ability, as well as the ability to perceive inner thought. Because the left brain possesses the ability to register events as related, it would also be able to do so with our inner processes. It would try make sense of our inner train of thoughts and this would in turn have an effect on the other parts of the brain. This creates a feedback loop, where the narrator can affect the other parts of the brain and the other parts of the brain later affects the narrator. This loop never really ends, but is of course also affected by external events. This may give rise to the self-conscious mind.

I don't know if this is the right interpretation, but my left brain seems to like it!

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